Microsoft Word vs. Google Docs

July 29, 2021

Microsoft Word Vs. Google Docs

When it comes to word processors, the two heavyweights in the market are Microsoft Word and Google Docs. Both are great tools, and choosing which one to use can be a tough decision. So, in this post, we'll compare the two to help you decide which one is best for you.

User Interface

Google Docs and Microsoft Word's user interfaces are both simple and intuitive, with toolbars and menus easily accessible to users. Microsoft Word has a more traditional desktop interface, while Google Docs is browser-based, allowing you to work from anywhere, anytime.

Google Docs UI might be a bit unconventional for users of the desktop version of Microsoft Word, but it makes up for it with its cloud-based collaboration tools, making the editing process a breeze.

Features and Functionality

When looking at features and functionality, Microsoft Word comes out on top with a wider range of options. It provides more formatting options, including shapes, charts, and graphics. Microsoft Word also has a better spell-checking feature that can detect even the most complex of errors.

Google Docs, on the other hand, has a more straightforward formatting structure, making it easier to use. It's also unbeatable when it comes to collaboration. The real-time editing, commenting, and version history features take working as a team to a whole new level.


When it comes to pricing, Google Docs is free to use. It provides all the basic formatting and editing features with a standard Google account. Microsoft Word, on the other hand, is part of the Office suite and requires a license, starting from $149.99 for a one-time purchase, or $69.99/year for a subscription to Microsoft 365 Personal.


Microsoft Word has been around for over three decades, making it the more compatible option for those who have older documents. Also, it has a wide range of plugins, making it convenient for users who need to perform specific tasks.

Google Docs is compatible across all platforms, including Windows, macOS, Android, and iOS, as it's browser-based. Users can access their documents from any device with an internet connection.

So, which one's better? Unfortunately, there's no definitive answer. If you're looking for the widest range of features with the most comprehensive layout, Microsoft Word is the way to go. However, if seamless cloud-based collaboration and a straightforward user interface is what you need, then Google Docs is the way to go.

Ultimately, it all comes down to your personal preference. Still, we hope that this comparison has helped you decide which to choose, based on your needs and budget.


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